Clara Duverger’s homepage !

Seismologist and Seismic hazard engineer

Clara Duverger’s homepage !

Welcome to my website! I am currently a Seismologist / Seismic hazard engineer working in France. My research interests concern:



Baques, M., De Barros, L., Godano, M., Duverger, C., & Jomard, H. (2023). Swarms and mainshock–aftershocks sequences are both triggered by fluids in the Ubaye Region (Western Alps). Geophysical Journal International, 235(1), 920-941. Link

Colledge, M., Aubry, J., Chanard, K., Pétrélis, F., Duverger, C., Bollinger, L., & Schubnel, A. (2023). Susceptibility of microseismic triggering to small sinusoidal stress perturbations at the laboratory scale. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 128. Link

Baques, M., De Barros, L., Duverger, C., Jomard, H., Godano, M., Courboulex, F., & Larroque, C. (2021). Seismic activity in the Ubaye Region (French Alps): a specific behaviour highlighted by mainshocks and swarm sequences. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 353(S1), 1-25. Link

Bollinger, L., Le Dortz, K., Duverger, C., Vallage, A., Marin, S., & Leroy, Y. M. (2021). Seismic swarms in Tricastin, lower Rhône Valley (France): review of historical and instrumental seismicity and models. Comptes Rendus. Géoscience, 353(S1), 1-22. Link

Duverger, C., Mazet-Roux, G., Bollinger, L., Guilhem Trilla, A., Vallage, A., Hernandez, B., & Cansi, Y. (2021). A decade of seismicity in metropolitan France (2010-2019): the CEA/LDG methodologies and obervations. BSGF - Earth Science Bulletin, 192(1), 25. Link

Kaviris, G., Elias, P., Kapetanidis, V., Serpetsidaki, A., Karakonstantis, A., Plicka, V., …, Duverger, C., et al. (2021). The Western Gulf of Corinth (Greece) 2020–2021 seismic crisis and cascading events: First results from the Corinth Rift Laboratory network. The Seismic Record, 1(2), 85-95. Link

Laporte, M., Bollinger, L., Lyon-Caen, H., Hoste-Colomer, R., Duverger, C., Letort, J., et al. (2021). Seismicity in far western Nepal reveals flats and ramps along the Main Himalayan Thrust. Geophysical Journal International, 226(3), 1747-1763. Link

Vallage, A., Bollinger, L., Champenois, J., Duverger, C., Trilla, A. G., Hernandez, B., et al. (2021). Multitechnology characterization of an unusual surface rupturing intraplate earthquake: the ML 5.4 2019 Le Teil event in France. Geophysical Journal International, 226(2), 803-813. Link

Duverger, C., Lambotte, S., Bernard, P., Lyon-Caen, H., Deschamps, A., & Nercessian, A. (2018). Dynamics of microseismicity and its relationship with the active structures in the western Corinth Rift (Greece). Geophysical Journal International, 215(1), 196-221. Link

Duverger, C., Godano, M., Bernard, P., Lyon‐Caen, H., & Lambotte, S. (2015). The 2003–2004 seismic swarm in the western Corinth rift: Evidence for a multiscale pore pressure diffusion process along a permeable fault system. Geophysical Research Letters, 42(18), 7374-7382. Link

Peer Review Activity

PhD Thesis

Duverger, C. (2017). Sismicité, couplages sismique-asismiques et processus transitoires de déformation dans un système de failles actives: le rift de Corinthe, Grèce. Doctoral dissertation. Link


Duverger, C., Bernard, P., Lambotte, S., Godano, M., Lyon-Caen, H., Deschamps, A., Nercessian, A. (September 2018). Dynamics of micro-earthquake multiplets linked to active faults in the western Corinth Rift, Greece. ESC 36th General Assembly.

Duverger, C., Bernard, P., Lambotte, S., Godano, M., Lyon-Caen, H. (December 2016). Triggering Processes of Microearthquake Swarms in the western Corinth Rift, Greece. AGU Fall Meeting.

Duverger, C., Bernard, P., Lyon-Caen, H., Deschamps, A., Lambotte, S., Godano, M., Nercessian, A. (June 2016). Earthquake multiplets and dynamic triggering in the western Corinth Rift, Greece. CMG, 31st IUGG Conference.


Duverger, C., Keller, M., Senfaute, G. (April 2023). How to discriminate between area-source models for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment in a more objective manner? EGU General Assembly.

Duverger, C., Keller, M., Senfaute, G. (April 2022). Phebus: a full Bayesian workflow to estimate earthquake recurrence parameters and uncertainties for seismic hazard models. SSA Annual meeting.

Duverger, C., Vallage, A., Bollinger, L. (April 2019). Uncertainties on fault parameters and seismotectonic source zones for site-specific PSHA in southeastern France. SSA Annual meeting.

Duverger, C., Bernard, P., Colombelli, S., Zollo, A. (April 2019). Rupture initiation of small earthquakes in the Corinth Rift, Greece. SSA Annual meeting.

Duverger, C., Godano, M., Bernard, P., & Lyon-Caen, H. (September 2014). Analysis of earthquake multiplets in the western Corinth rift (Greece) during the 2003-2004 seismic crisis. ESC 34th General Assembly.

International Conferences

International Workshops or Schools

National Conferences